JTACs are essential to scan the zone and maintain our intelligence.
They also provide spotting, and smoking capabilities:
Marks every 5 minutes
F10 Map Marker within 1km of the actual unit position at time of update
Request for smoke
Chat Command: -smoke (current zone) or -smoke EJ46 to request smoke for the zone based around EJ46
F10 Command: F10 -> Status -> JTAC -> Mark units in zone
Generates colored smoke on the JTAC marker and provides player a message with the Bearing and Range from the marker/smoke to the actual position of the unit(s).
red smoke marks red units, blue smoke marks blue units
Enemy will be notified that they are being smoked!
This smoke lasts 5 minutes
Repeating the smoke command will re-send you an updated Smoke marking reference message.
You will be unable to request smoke for a varying duration based on player population and distribution